The Salve of Darkness

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 '''Darkness Over Eden''' Photo taken by Kabir Bakie May 2004 

Darkness spills itself into corners
hides my sins
beneath papered tunes
it pours behind knees
invading that crease in my pants
and the light
switched on
only lengthens
the shadows left behind
my japing thoughts
they embarrass me
so I switch off the light
and let the darkness
wend its way
across pillows and cushions
finding its comfort.

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2012

Shared with Poets United Poetry Pantry 


  1. A lovely ode to night, and the comfort of darkness.

  2. Yes, darkness can sometimes be a blessing!

  3. It's not so much the darkness i think of here~that's easily understood.
    But more so, the shadows in myriad shades.
    Nice write

  4. Audrey,

    There is such a magic contained in your words...An appreciation of seeing the beauty to be seen, in the darkness; which of course can also hide a multitude of sins:)


    Thank you for your kind comments left at my Blog Audrey.

  5. This is just wonderful! Every word took me into the safe and comforting place of darkness you describe. Well done.

  6. There was a real sense of darkness lying down to comfort, much like a blanket. Well done.

  7. beautiful ~ especially love the ending!

  8. I love the use of the word 'japing' here. Your descriptions really paint a picture in my mind.

  9. Sometimes it's comforting to stay in dark ... loved the piece !!!

  10. Love your imagery and the title too, there's a sinister undertone that creates a wonderful tension.


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