A Fast 15

wkimedia commons
timeless books
Lin Kristensen

Door swings

Open or closed

Dependent on the current

Of the moment.

Its hinges oiled

With the spit of words

Slicked down

From memoryā€™s corridor,

A hallway of lies turning round itself.

The maze of truth

Beyond the marrow

Of such


We push through.

The thought of the day,

The jargon of the elite

Streaming through

Unable to stop ourselves


In the glory of the observed

For a fast 15 or so.

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2013

posted for Poets Pantry


  1. ha. that 15 goes really fast...and once used what do you have left? smiles. the maze of truth beyond the marrow of the breath...very cool line that...smiles.

  2. Yes, you captured it! Internet time may just be the vanishing but foot-printed kind of time that Warhol had in mind.

  3. I have been in the hallway of lies and it is hard to see the end of the corridor... Beautiful poetry, Audrey! xo

  4. I love "the spit of words" and "A hallway of lies turning round itself"...and that whole final stanza and close. Fierce writing Audrey!

    1. Hi Jennifer--thanks! This one felt like it wandered a bit for me--so I am glad that something good came out of it

  5. I just love the imagery Audrey. Magnificent writing!

  6. Incredible metaphors. Audrey this is a beautiful poem.

  7. That door keeps swinging, doesn't it? Your metaphors are strong ones indeed.

  8. beautiful...
    when people say like 10 years ago, I think of 90's and not 2003 :)

  9. I loved the pace of this, Audrey. And it's just like that - everyone hustling for their 15 minutes. Brilliant write.

  10. Good use of this extended metaphor!

  11. Lots of interesting word choices, especially in the second stanza. There are also a number of ideas here that, while I think I've got the central meaning I feel there is more to it that I'm missing. But this makes me want to read it more.

  12. I love "the spit of words slicked down from memory's corridor". Cool!

  13. The current of the moment, I like how fast things can change at a moment's notice ~ Good one Audrey ~

  14. i like this poem and I especially like the first verse.

  15. You have the knack of creating amazing extended metaphors which make a huge impact on the reader's mind.

    1. Thank you Kerry--I am hoping that is a good thing---and how do I move forward from this point??? The more I write, the more I wonder about that--

  16. Thank you Loredana--I am not sure what it means either--opps--should I admit that?

  17. "Its hinges oiled/with the spit of words," an evocative phrase! You really got me going with this, Audrey. I love the "fast 15..." Wonder if it's the time you have at hand, or the time it takes to conjure the seed of the idea... intriguing.

    Also, special brownie points for proper use of non-contracted "its." Brill! Amy

  18. Love the fluidity. It left me breathless.

  19. Excellently crafted. Thank you for this, Audrey.


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