The Scent of Morning

The MorgueFile

a flower was offered to me, and
i find it best to take what is offered.
stash it--
fold it away, intimately
nestling the scent of it
against my own skin

until i remember
that gratitude
is an ocean.

Copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2016

Posted for Poets United

Thank you Sumana--your midweek motif is inspiring


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! :-) Thanks.

    Greetings from London.

  2. Whistles!!!!! This is pure perfection :D

  3. The joy of gratitude must be shared; how right you are. Beautifully written.

  4. What a paradox you offer. You give us the entire ocean in return for that private moment with the flower.

  5. Oh, wow - "until I remember that gratitude is an ocean." This is fantastic!!!!!!

  6. Your last stanza wows me, Audrey! Beautiful message.

  7. I find it best to take what is offered..a symbol of love and love is a good thing to stash away for a rainy day. This is magical in many ways.

  8. What lovely thoughts ā€“ and I like their unexpectedness.

  9. Life's offering accepted with deep gratitude...what can be more beautiful than that?...a wonderful close...

  10. i find it best to take what is offered - such a haunting line - it made me feel how tiring life can be..but how much we can learn and find a way to live even if the sweetest parts of ourselves and others are lost in the ocean of being

  11. Sadly,stashers, mostly would not think of gratitude.. let alone an ocean of it..Good poem !

  12. Loved this! Wonderful poetry, Audrey!

  13. aha! ending with gratitude makes everything so beautiful :)

    Loved the punchline at the end!

  14. How wonderful, Audrey! We must be grateful for what is given to us, and it does make the giver swim in cooling oceans of gratitude.

  15. A lovely piece - exquisite - as delicate and real as a flower petal.


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