Small Envies

i trace paths
make inroads
between sofa and ottoman

feel their push 
against the backs of my legs

sometimes i wish for other

    when thin light stretched full
    which cycled through me
    with predictability
    in which i was the delta
    between hill and sea

small envies
those wishes 
like nuts before roasting

hard and sweet

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2018

Posted for Poets United Pantry


  1. I think we need to feel both contentment of today and an envy fro something better... love the feeling of that sofa actually...

  2. Small envies of times that used to be ... sometimes more than small! Great write!

  3. Ah, I think it is human nature to have these small envies! I like the way you expressed this.

  4. I love the comfort of that couch. Those busy years tired me out, lol.

  5. This is stunning, Audrey ... evocative and relatable ... your words spoke to me. Brilliant!

  6. Superb poem I loved every line and feeling

  7. What a beautiful poem Audrey especially the wishing for days, months and years.

  8. I can relate to the small envies of times which used to be, ones which we lived and cherished to the utmost.. sigh.. this is just beautiful, Audrey!šŸ’ž

  9. I notice, the older I get, the more I wish for younger days. LOL I think that is fairly normal. I love my life, but I certainly don't "wish" for eighty-five. :) Beautiful work!

  10. It's hard not to wish for what was. And some days it gets harder...

  11. I still find myself in this restlessness at times. Great write!

  12. A wonderful write.
    At times, I yearn for what was...
    Anna :o]


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