An Old House


i live in a house with good bones
though 117 years makes
       its skin sag
       its insulation fray
       its paint chip

i listen to its heartbeat
in those last moments before sleep
takes me

pine treads give a little
on the stairs
as you come up

lay your old bones next to mine
in shifting softness

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2018

Posted for Poets United


  1. This is the sort of house I love, one that is a home, one a soul can wear as a cloak... Wonderful!

    1. I think often about how this house feels to me --and the lives that have been lived here

  2. The stories that house could tell! Do you know any of its history?

    1. I do! Our house is the original guest house on an old farm. The house across the street is the original farmhouse built in 1896. There is also a farm worker's house, a carriage house and a pump house--

  3. This is the type of home I grew up on, built by my grandfather's grandfather. I love a home with good bones and a nurturing soul

  4. Old homes have SO much character. Sort of like older people? Homes and people have many stories. Some are told, and some never will be.

  5. I like this house, it has character :)

  6. These mature houses have so much character than the cookie cutter houses being built. Sadly, many of older houses are being torn down and replaced with soulless constructs.

  7. Perfect! Yes! I know this so well, but couldn't have worded it better. And how wonderful that another body of old bones shares the bed.

  8. Old homes have character, and you captured that fact perfectly. I would like your old home.

  9. Old homes are filled with untold stories and have a rich history around them. Beautifully penned šŸ’œ

  10. Ohhh! Now I am in love wth the house, and the couple with their dear, familiar old bones.

  11. Lovely reminded me of my old house back in Riga, Latvia.


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