
He gathers moods
       sorting by color

fondly herding muted neutrals
      into piles of three

their sense of float
      attract afternoon breath

like round marbles
      slippery in his mouth

their orange eyes winking in deceit.

A rusted Christmas cookie tin
      holds regret

opened flowers
muted gray remains.

Copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2018

Poets United Pantry


  1. I do love the thought of memories in muted colors... sometimes those are more important than the brilliance of bright colors... and far better than black.

  2. I can see that rusted tin holding regret. Beautiful, Audrey.

  3. I really like the imagery in your poem! I like the idea of sorting moods by color.

  4. I enjoyed reading this, but I didn't understand. Could be~ as usual, me. : )

    1. Sometimes I don't understand what comes out on the paper either--ut I am glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Incredible lines. 'He gathers moods sorting by color' is brilliant and inspired ā€¦ an indelible image - as it 'A rusted Christmas cookie tin holds regret'. A 'linger-worthy', mesmeric piece of writing, Audrey.

  6. I thought it was going to say "piles of green." That rusted cookie tin is like the Pandora's box of sadness.

    1. It's funny Colleen, I was thinking about a red tin--so piles of green would make sense--

  7. I do believe there is a connection between colors and moods. Sorting it out can be challenging.

  8. Your first stanza is a delight to read. It readies us for such a ride, where the whole world is made of senses, where by seen and touching and imagining hues... we miss nothing.

  9. their orange eyes winking in deceit.
    opened flowers
    muted gray remains.

    Seems to be lots of apprehensions playing to a strong beat! This can bring some disappointments!


  10. A gentle poem, which appeals to the senses. Moods do have colours and I like the idea of the muted neutrals and
    'their sense of float
    attract afternoon breath'
    and the
    '...rusted Christmas cookie tin
    holds regret'

  11. This is so beautiful! I like the idea of memories wrapped in muted colours.

  12. Many ways to sort memories, by taste, feelings, feel, sound and color.

  13. As always, just a lovely trip through our language! You are a pure pleasure to read.

  14. I am in love with your beautiful gentle words - reading a pure pleasure. Thank you.
    Anna :o]

  15. I very much like the idea of gathering moods, and of sorting them by colour.


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