The Calendar Game


MorgueFile by forghis

in the end, the smallest actions
count the most
a slow drip of persistence
a container to catch it
hold its freshness 

how should I count these days
so long in passing
as they slide into each other
knocking each one onto its backside,

this plague will be with us for years
reflected in daily case and death counts
roll the dice--
advance or not--

it is a game best played sober
or so the rules say,
laminated on mustard-yellow paper
parked under a refrigerator magnet 
to avoid destruction in this life or the next
laminate is a 500-or-more-year thing

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2022


  1. The Calendar Game - yes, each day seems to bump into the next. Sadly, so much in life
    has changed. It is the small things in the day that now seem to matter more.

  2. It is always a pleasure to read the works of a poet at the top of her game/craft. Outstanding, my friend.

  3. I appreciate how you capture both the small and large aspects of navigating challenging times.


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