Drawers of Dreams

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Laundry at the Daluaine Summer House, Highland Folk Museum, Newtonmore, Scotland
Paul Hermans

you wrap your dreams
in sheets of softest cotton,
Pima maybe,
folding them carefully
to fit in the drawers
you have created for them.

squares of imgination
carefully creased,

catalogued in a book kept 
especially for easy reference.

it crosses your mind but rarely
to pull the drawer open and peek inside.

but i caught you 
in that very act the other day,

your head cocked just so
folding back their covers
the smile playing on your lips
in the warm light.

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2013

posted for dVerse


  1. Audrey, what a lovely image! They should be aired out often.

  2. How often do we put those dreams away,,, but if you are careful they are always there for you wrapped in that pima cotton... lovely imagery.

  3. ha...what a cool moment to catch them looking back at the dreams they had so carefully put away...we need to do that...dreams stored up in a drawer make me sad...they all have their time but i def think we should take them out on walks regularly...smiles.

  4. Love the images...ah! those dream of ours...they always seem to give us hope and comfort.

    Beautiful words. :)

  5. This is truly beautiful, Audrey. I like, and can visualize, that last stanza so VERY well.

  6. Beautiful Audrey! To carefully fold and tuck our dreams away and return to them, how lovely.

    1. Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for your visit--glad you are doing ok---you are always a favorite of mine--

  7. I love this ~ Never forget to look at them lest we forget ~

    1. Thank you so much Grace---funny isn't it--how a house can hide and keep all kinds of things---

  8. Great poem. The metaphor works well and is carried straight through. Love the play of smile at the end.

  9. I can visualize the whole thing! It is so awesome. Hey, Audrey, take a moment for you and enjoy your coffee or tea, regroup, refresh - you deserve it.


  10. A lovely conceit, it works very well.

  11. wrapping dreams in pima cotton... and then looking at them from time to time... for some of the dreams it may not be enough...they need wings to escape that drawer..just saying...smiles

  12. Oh! Beautiful.
    "your head cocked just so
    folding back their covers
    the smile playing on your lips
    in the warm light."
    I loved the last stanza especially.

  13. Evocative and expressed through original and authentic imagery. Great job!

  14. It's so nice to see one of your poems pop up this morning, and this is a special one. What a great metaphor.....the image is perfect. Well done Audrey!

  15. Perfect! The cloth and the drawer, and opening it head cocked just so, in secret or as if alone. I have those drawers everywhere.

    1. I have my share of those drawers as well--thank you so much Susan!!

  16. enjoyed the metaphor..dreams tucked away as good linen, rarely used..love the last stanza..caught one with a smile..nicely done

  17. Audrey, you are so much more careful with your poems than I... they're all still in the original notebooks, spilling off shelves, stacked neatly on cocktail napkins... ha ha ha.

    I could actually smell the fresh linen in this. And the phrase, "The head cocked just so," like a little pearl.
    Beautiful work... Amy

  18. Sometimes one needs to hide emotions but still get caught.

  19. All those dreams we tuck away would light our lives in the light of day. This was glorious!

  20. I love the image of carefully storing dreams in drawers. Lovely :)

  21. Such a clever concept for a poem, Audrey! Much enjoyed. Thanks. k.

  22. Audrey, your poetry is lovely.... it makes me feel at peace and calm. Your words have such quiet bliss in them :)


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