Summer Mornings

Early Summer Morning
VSP 75th Anniversary Photo Contest Best in Show by Roderick Perkinson nsh
vastatepark staff
wikimendia commons

summer is a blanket of the softest down

settling upon morning's hours--

i bring myself to move


as coffee

wafts up the stairs

pushing its way toward me--

one more industrious than i

performing the tasks

that mark morning

move me along

toward wakefulness


the sweetness of half dreams


copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2014

Posted for Poets United Pantry

I feel the absence of my muse these days--so bear with me


  1. i can feel those mornings... forcing one self to wake up.

  2. thank goodness for those with enough energy to start the coffee for us eh? ha.
    my boys are in summer mode...not wanting to wake before 8 or 9....

    i could have slept longer myself today

  3. I can relate to that sort of mornings. For me not much happens before that first coffee cup! And the night dreams can recede.

  4. You create a visual of the morning... which one can relate with and thus can see it unfold.
    Well-penned. :-)

  5. Beautifully penned, Audrey. Those waking up moments are to be savored!

  6. I love those lazy mornings and someone starting breakfast ~ Hope you find your muse along the way ~ Have a good week ~

  7. Audrey, I so resonate with that slow waking. My Head does not enjoy being upright for some time in the morning these days. My muse has been sluggish is too busy, I am exhausted. No worries, it will return to us both - if life slows down!

  8. Coffee, summer, finally time for slowly mornings, and of course the muse's resting too...just enjoy, nourish yourself and the new song appears...~ Thanks for joining my blog! Best warm days to you :)xx

  9. the sweetness of half
    dreams recedes.

    When the sweet dreams withdraw it is time to be up certainly. Nicely Audrey!


  10. the ambience you create here. mmm....summer and coffee and the sweetness of half dreams...perfect!

  11. Nice morning mood. It is such an act of love to bring tea or coffee to someone in bed in the morning!

  12. The loveliest time of the day. It always strikes me, when I notice the smell of coffee wafting through the bedroom door that the preparation of it, so early in the morning, is such a generous, lovely gesture. And you've captured that perfectly here, Audrey.

  13. Love the soft slow feel of this, so true for so many of us. If you keep showing up, your Muse will stay in attendance. She steps back occasionally for a breath of fresh air,


  14. hey you lucky one, it's indeed wonderful to have someone being a little industrious for you :)...very sweet :)

  15. I feel like this most mornings - it takes quite an effort of will to move from my bed. Your poem conveys the idea of relaxation with an excellent choice of words to contribute to the mood.

  16. summer of the free comforts of life. the coffee makes it worth waking up, most definitely (i love my coffee!).

  17. your poetry has always spoken to me and moved me....and so it was again this morning. Lovely!

  18. Maybe your muse is waking up too - if she inspired this lovely poem. I'm the industrious one at my house, or I should say the dogs are (they're the ones who wake me up), but they don't know how to make coffee.

  19. thanks for your positive poem. mornings can be dripping with last night's effects or the freshness of a hot, delicious breakfast. thanks for the poem.


  20. Beautiful as always...I love summer!
    And I'm *so* getting into poetry lately - when I wrote one recently, I remembered all your wonderful poetry that you so eloquently write!

  21. I wish I had someone to make coffee for me, alas I am the first riser in the day.

    And that photo is so beautiful, it looks like a painting.


  22. Perfect description of summer:)


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