A Bellyful of Dreams

wikimedia commons
Emile Chaus
Portrait of Madam Claus, 1900
In the public domain in the United States

i had a bellyful of dreams

     not too long ago,

stored in a sack

     around my waist.

when i walked

     they bounced.

and sometimes,

     they spoke a little bit

here and there,

     reminding me

of colors used to paint words

but more vibrant somehow,

   their sss’s more pronounced

    their waves of color washing over me

lest i forget them

and the me i once was.

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2013

Posted for the Poetry Pantry and for Dverse Open Link Night


  1. Whoa! This is very powerful, Audrey, and very strong, vivid and poignant image. I understand that sack all too well. (Sigh/Agh/scream.) You've conveyed it beautifully. Thanks. This is Manicddaily, btw, Karin - on a mobile device that wants me to use an old blogger id. Thanks again. k.

  2. you know...its never too late for dreams audrey...sometimes we have to set them aside for a bit...trust me, i know that...you can dream again...i am sure...honest words...

    1. Hi Brian--thank you! I feel I am at a cross roads right now--we'll see what new dreams may come

    2. the good thing about a crossroads is that you get to choose a new direction eh? smiles.

    3. So true Brian!! Once the kids leave the nest it is all up for grabs!

    4. ha. true that...take care of the responsibility first, play later...smiles.

  3. loved it. "and the me i once was"...how dreams sometimes define us, and I agree, dreams never really leave us.

  4. Delightful things are dreams. Enjoyed this.

  5. Well, this is just a delight. I see this poem as being very sensuous. A lovely read.

  6. I'm glad to see a new poem from you. I have to tell you that I love your poetry. You conjure up images that are clear to me, vivid in their description and oh so beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much for reading my work Bill--I am so very glad that you enjoy my work--I so enjoy writing it!

  7. The sack is a great idea. I'm going to try it as soon as I can relieve that over-sized closet of its boxed burdens! I like the bounce in this poem. I wonder what happened to that bag?

  8. Audrey, the ending takes my breath away....especially when that last line is written in smaller print. We each need to keep our bag, not hide it away in a closet somewhere, and in it we should have the things that remind us of who we ARE, not who we once were.

  9. The imagery in this is so bold and beautiful, Audrey. I'll be revisiting this one...carrying my own sack of dreams. :)

  10. Really nice! I like the way the colors washed over you!

  11. The challenge of every mother - to remember "the me I once was"....she is still in there, kiddo, just waiting for a few free moments to unleash herself! Trust me, I know these things!

  12. Lovely Audrey! All too often, we forget who we used to be and as Sherry says,"she's still there... ".

  13. Oh I love the reminder not to forget our dreams...to remember that they are still with us! Lovely write Audrey.

  14. and the me i once was. how that holds truth to so many as we take that next step in a new direction in life.

  15. Audrey this is gorgeous and I agree with the other commentators powerful!

  16. Audrey, a beautiful poem:-) --I love the details of sss's more pronounced, and colors washing over you--it's important to keep those dreams close

  17. this is truly a wonderful poem, to be read over and over. I love your opening "bellyful of dreams" - and, really, everything.

  18. poignantly beautiful imagery and sounds, Audrey.

  19. A wonderful piece. "Bellyful of dreams"- now that's awesomeness !!!

  20. What a stunning poem. The reader can immediately empathize with the theme and you have expressed the idea in beautiful poetry. This is the kind of poem I read and wish I had written.

  21. I agree it's never too late, and I sympathize but feel deeply these words in my soul. Beautifully writ. Bellyfull of dreams has to be my favorite. This is powerful.

  22. Audrey, this seems to carry in it the wisdom of someone who's lived a bit and yet still has hope. I love it.

  23. Keep dreaming, lovely write.

  24. I hope you never forget those dreams ~ Keep them alive & vibrant ~

  25. Nice imagery. I store mine in my head and like a snow globe they stir and settle.

  26. Great visual imagery -- the bellyful of dreams carried like a sack! Nice work ~peace, Jason

  27. I love that first line-it really grabs the reader in! Nicely done.

  28. Well, most times my belly is full of what I overate. But, I love your bellyfull. And dreams have no calories. How wonderful.

  29. oh we should never forget our dreams.... love the images...

  30. original and poignant last line in small print is effective...I do like that expectant feeling at the end...waiting, waiting for more dreams. They will come! Thanks for sharing :) ~jackie~

  31. Dreams can fade, but some you may trade, for something better to attain, or board a train.

  32. ah... dreams which can be so fleeting; you've given us hope

  33. colours to paint words, yes
    and paint dreams
    and words to fill empty spaces

  34. Dreams keep us alive, Audrey. Beautiful write.


  35. Oh you've got to keep dreaming, no matter how fare we've come along in this world. Lovely poem.

  36. One must never forget to dream...always. Commenting from dVerse.

  37. Reminds me to hold my stomach in when I walk.


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