The Weight of Water

wikimedia commons
Summertime by Mary Cassatt
in the public domain in the United States

I close my eyes

to feel its softness

like a cool cloth

pressing gently 

upon the orbital ridge around my eyes,

the weight

at once present and absent

from lid's creases.

If I open my mouth

it will invade every crevice 

available to it,

a potent reminder of its press,

a heft upon

the slim cord of air

trapped between my teeth

as i float 

up to the surface.

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2014


  1. part of the comfort of water is how it does fill every pore and wraps us in a hug complete...of course we cant get too comfortable or it will swallow us...i wonder did you read mrs mediocrity today...some interesting parallels...smiles.

    1. Thank you Brian--I just went to read her--and yes--you are right!

  2. Ha, we really are on the same page! Must be something in the air... :)

    Having said that, I love the feel of this, it's very visceral, offering the sensation of being there...really beautiful!

  3. I love this ode to the elusiveness of water. It really makes me want to pin it down too. I love the image of your open mouth and it finding any and all crevices.

  4. Wow. Very vivid. Love the imagery. :)

  5. I enjoyed what you did with this ekphrasis, Audrey, how you allowed us to experience the senses involved.

  6. one of the essential element of survival...beautifully penned down, Audrey!

    Happy Valentine, my friend!

  7. water, like air
    with a weight indeed
    alive, fluid, essential

  8. Lovely poetic illustration of a beautiful painting!

  9. Beautiful writing, Audrey! This poem gives me a relaxing feeling as I read....

  10. The power of water ~ I specially like this: a potent reminder of its press ~

    Lovely words here Audrey ~ Happy Hearts Day ~

  11. I closed my eyes and pondered the weight of water on my eyes, like a washcloth. You are right! That sensation is aptly described here!

  12. Very tactile and evocative. So glad I stopped in to enjoy this poem, nice work Audrey!


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