Learning Braille


stillness hangs taut
like stories embroidered
on monk's cloth

its weave loose
until my needle jabs through

i know each thread

colors carefully chosen,
shelf paper
for naked cupboards 

smiling crookedly at the oddities
that floss has created

i lay my fingers
on top
and read
each tale

copyright/all rights reserved Audrey Howitt 2017

Posted for Poets United


  1. I love the poem and the photo - the tale of weaving "like stories embroidered on monk's cloth". I think oddly woven colours are more interesting to look at than those neatly laid out in rows.

  2. Great lines! Each thread speaks of a different story.

  3. I like "stillness hangs taut". I guess the best stories come from loose threads though. I enjoyed reading this.

  4. I love all the stories you might weave into each thread. The weave is life itself.

  5. Love "monk's cloth" and shelf paper for empty cupboards.

  6. That's a beautiful accompanying photo you got and the poem is short and interesting. good write!

  7. I love the way that you pinned this piece against a backdrop of embroidery, weave and color ... images that often come to mind with poetry. I sense a layered metaphor tucked in between the lines.

  8. I think every needlework artist weaves her story into her work. This is so lovely and so well written!

  9. Each thread tells a story! Beautiful poem.

  10. Love how you read each tale of that gorgeous cloth. fantastic poem

  11. They way you jab that needle into the colours, sharply and bravely, says you are not at all afraid to weave stories into life


  12. The meaning is beautifully woven in between the lines of the poem


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