Growing Things in Small Spaces

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Azolla in petri dishes
IRRI Images

i want to store my fears elsewhere
or maybe erase them
as if they never were--

petri dishes, full
growing their incendiary mountains
stacked, dated, sorted.

i could go blind
looking for the disinfectant.

copyright Audrey Howitt 2015

posted for The Pantry at Poets United


  1. Very crisp and sharp and confident Audrey - for me, excellent writing that was a treat to read today... With Best Wishes

  2. It would be good to be able to store those fears somewhere & then find away to erase them all....probably would need a powerful disinfectant indeed!

  3. Somehow those petri-dishes scares me.. we all crave that disinfectant.

  4. 'stacked, dated, sorted'

    ...and then filed somewhere inaccessible and hopefully forgotten!:))

    Enjoyed this, Audrey, for its proactive prowess!

    Thanks for sharing!


  5. To store your fears away or erase them, sounds good.

  6. "stacked, dated, sorted" feels the weight of the fears and the wish to disappear them somehow.

  7. Wow those are some fears....loved how you stack, date and sort them....we sure know our fears well don't we!

  8. Love how they've been 'stacked, dated, sorted'. I know I'm echoing so many others, but it's a great line that is so relatable! Too bad those fears have no where to go and we just have to work at overcoming them. We learn so much about ourselves when we do though :)

  9. Interesting idea...fears in petri dishes. A scientific examination,


  10. rather difficult to come to terms with fear...'stacked, dated, sorted'...might help...a good one Audrey...

  11. I love to think about fears as something happening not right now, so it's good to store them and then erase just by collecting beautiful things from present moments of 'now'. Very fresh poem, wording. Love. x

  12. Maybe fears can't be scrubbed away but rather eliminated by confronting them..although easier said than done..such a interesting take..very enigmatic

  13. A perfect example of creativity at its finest. You see the connections between reality and is a wonder to watch.

    Have a superb Monday, Audrey!

  14. haha yes! Wonderful snapshot!

  15. wanna keep my fear away...petridish n the disinfectant!

    loved it!

  16. a lab life. it's scary to work there especially if we stary to get more conscious..

  17. I've been thinking about this stuff: having to keep my house clean while I try to sell it. I don't think I've inhaled so much chloride in seven years as I have in the last five days. LOL

  18. Stellar writing....really enjoyed this succinct one....the petri dishes were such a brilliant idea!!

  19. i could go blind
    looking for the disinfectant.

    Please don't! The greenery should be allowed to simmer and grow louder and bigger! Nicely Audrey!


  20. I lile this, Audrey, & your title. Succinct & powerful! The ending couplet is just so right for the first two verses. Thanks for the poem!

    - ksm

  21. An awesome image here - visceral with a droll subliminal whisper that leaves the reader wondering . . . much like the way a well crafted ad for a product we didn't realize we wanted (or needed) leaves the consumer.

  22. maybe it is the storing of our fears...instead of just confronting them that is the issue...
    solid piece audrey...i try to keep a clean house, as i can...smiles.

  23. Sometimes I think I need a weed wacker for my fears, ha. I like the idea of them being stacked and dated...and just a part of our past experience...though I hope no longer growing. Cool the way you did this, Audrey.

  24. I like the very first comment by Scott the best. They fit my thoughts of this. Thank you.

  25. i like the idea of the petri dish ~ How creative to describe a fear ~ Hope you are well Audrey ~

  26. fears can be paralyzing - and it def. is a good idea to get rid of them... the one or other way - ha

  27. Hi Audrey i took part in the challenge Love In Ten Words and i'm inviting you to take part if you wish the details are at my blog 'verses'

    much love..


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